Moopup Records Digital, The Story of a Dream
– La historia de un sueño –
Los origenes de Moopup Records se remontan allá por el año 2007.
David Moleón y Dito Masats, ambos Granadinos, formaron el Moopup Team.
Por aquella época era muy difícil crear un label en vinilo y poder darle una distribución mundial.
Mas difícil todavía era poder editar en grandes sellos que dominaban todo el mercado.
Ante tanta dificultad e incertidumbre estos 2 amigos decidieron lanzarse al mercado.
Durante varios años y todos los meses se mantuvieron en el numero 1 en ventas en todas las tiendas de discos.
Artistas como Ben Sims, Cristian Varela o Dj Rush entre otros han charteado este sello.
Actualmente solo trabajan en formato digital.
Moopup Records Digital es sinónimo de calidad y contundencia.
Su estilo es dificil de definir, va desde Techno old school pasando por el Hardgroove hasta el Techno Oscuro.
English Version:
The origins of Moopup Records go back to 2007.
David Moleón and Dito Masats, both from Granada, formed the Moopup Team.
At that time it was very difficult to create a vinyl label and to be able to give it a worldwide distribution.
Even more difficult was to be able to release on large labels that dominated the whole market.
Faced with so much difficulty and uncertainty, these two friends decided to launch themselves into the market.
For several years and every month they were number one in sales in all the record stores.
Artists like Ben Sims, Cristian Varela or DJ Rush among others, have charted this label.
Currently they only work in digital format.
Moopup Records Digital is pure techno and forceful.
Their style is difficult to define, ranging from old school Techno to Hardgroove to Dark Techno.